Applying for Membership on India PDL Music Distribution Dashboard

 "A Step-by-Step Guide on Applying for Membership on India PDL Music Distribution Dashboard"

Are you looking for information on how to apply for membership on India PDL Music Distribution's Master Dashboard? Here's a detailed guide to help you through the process:

### Basic Information (Mandatory):

1. **Record Label or Artist Name:**

   - Provide the official name of your record label or artist.

2. **Owner/Founder Name:**

   - Mention the full name of the owner or founder associated with the record label or artist.

3. **Address (Living or Office):**

   - Share the complete address details for your living or office space.

4. **Government ID Card:**

   - Attach a clear copy of a government-issued identification card.

5. **Email Address:**

   - Provide a valid and active email address for communication purposes.

6. **Mobile Number:**

   - Share a reachable mobile number for contact.

### Payment Information (Choose One):


- **Bank Account Number:**

  - Specify your national bank account number.

- **IFSC Code:**

  - Provide the IFSC code associated with your bank.

- **UPI ID:**

  - Share your UPI ID for payment transactions.

**International (Choose Either):**

- **PayPal:**

  - Provide your PayPal details for international transactions.

- **Binance:**

  - Share relevant details for transactions through Binance.

### Documents (PDF/Image):

- **Tax Filing or Government ID Card (Mandatory):**

  - Upload a PDF or clear image of your tax filing documents or government ID card.

- **Bank Passbook:**

  - Attach a copy of your bank passbook.

- **Cancelled Check:**

  - Provide an image of a cancelled check.

- **Physical Signature (Mandatory):**

  - Include a scanned image or PDF of your physical signature.

### Digital Signature on Agreement:

To complete the joining procedure, a digital signature on the agreement is required. Follow these steps:

1. Manually sign the (LOU) agreement using Adobe Fill and Sign.

2. Digitally sign the document using eMudhra, emSigner, or DocuSign.

Ensure all information is accurate and the provided documents are clear and legible. This comprehensive guide should assist you in successfully applying for membership on India PDL Music Distribution's Master Dashboard.

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